Courtesy of Wedding Window

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


​Wow.  Where and how do I even begin? 

Recently, I found out, to my utter horror, that I’ve been betrayed by my third closest friend in the world.  Betrayed.  Defamed.  Lied about… blatantly. To say the least, I am devastated.  Completely and utterly devastated.  And I simply don’t know how to move forward.  

I have a guy friend.  We are very close.  We have spent the better part of nine months together.  We’ve laughed, cried, shared, grown, forgave, healed, etc. together.  I’ve helped him and he has helped me.  We have a wonderful, mutual respect for each other.  I’ve posted many of our adventures together on Facebook, well, because I wanted to share my joy with others.  I never tagged him in them, or showed his face, due to unfair judgement and gossip it could bring us.  As careful as I was, I never imagined what a terrible error in judgement that would come to be.  This close friend, who 100% knows that me and my guy are just friends, took my Facebook posts, plus our conversations about my guy, and spread it around, near and far, that I was going around telling people that he and I were involved in a serious, romantic relationship.  I’m not sure what all was said exactly, but there was apparently more.  The thing is… we’re not.  And I have never, nor would I ever, say that when it’s not true.  For one, I’m not a liar.  For two, I know the repercussions that could come from it.  And boy, repercussions sure did come.  

The worst part of being lied on, is just that.  The lying.  This friend literally made up that I was going around telling everyone that.  Like, pulled it out of her butt and completely fabricated it.  And in doing so, she has essentially ruined my life.  My guy friend and I can no longer hang out due to some of the more serious repercussions.  I can’t see his daughter anymore.  He’s having to field phone call after phone call regarding all of this, at one of the worst times in his life.  This so called friend never even considered how awful the ripples of these lies would be.  Surely, if she’d thought of it, she wouldn’t have spread the lies, right?  Unless she just hates me that much deep down.  

You know, previously, I would have literally bet my life on the fact that she’d never do that to me.  We’ve been friends for years.  Years!  It hurts to find out that I’ve been scammed all these years… that she’s not the friend I thought she was.  How does someone do something like that??  

The three people I’ve discussed it with say that she must have been so jealous of my happy life, that it must have made her feel good and important to have something interesting to say, true or not.  Well, she has stolen my happy life from me.  She has put chains on where I can go and what I can do, even who I can be with.  She’s even stolen my Facebook posting from me.  I can’t trust that she won’t take anything I post and use it against me.  I had to even miss National Cat Day yesterday!! 😭😭 

Since I can never share this on my Facebook page. I’m sharing the “post that can never be posted” here.  I just need somewhere to let it out. 


“For those that know me well, you know that I live within a tiny circle. I don’t let too many people get close to me in order to preserve my world.  For the past 13 years, I have put myself out there on Facebook. I have shared happiness, humor, heartache, joy, frustration, failures, and successes.  That has been my way of sharing a little bit of myself with other people.  It has truly been a joy to me to interact with others in this way.

That being said… one of the things I hate, and I know that God hates it as well, is gossip. I also hate lies. That puts gossipers and liars in the same category. I’ve recently been the victim of betrayal.  My heart is devastated by it.  The worst thing is, you never think you’re going to be betrayed by those that say they love and care about you. 

I’ve always heard the statement, “If someone says bad things to you about me, what does it say about you that they felt comfortable doing that?“  I will also say that gossip is cowardly.  And lies are even worse.  If you want to know something about me, just have the guts to ask me to my face. I will be 100% honest with you because I may be many things in this life, but a liar is not one of them. 

All that being said, apparently there are some “friends of mine“ (and I use that term very loosely today) that have set out to destroy my little world by using the glimpses of my life I’ve shared, all while sitting upon a throne of lies.  I hope you guys are happy.  You know who you are.  And I’m here to remind you that God knows too.  You are lucky that he is a forgiving God, because I’ll be hard pressed to forgive and I will never forget.”


May God have mercy on their souls.  Like I said, He is a forgiving God.  They are luckier than I am.  Their sins will be forgiven, and no one will be the wiser.  Me?  I have essentially lost everything, and I have to live with the repercussions of their lies forever.  That’s a long, long time.  Sigh. 

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