Happy New Year everyone! I'm thankful for everyone of my family and friends that I have shared this past year with. God knew I needed you guys, and He allowed me to know each and every one of you. I hope you are truly blessed in 2014.
Just like most people, I'm starting this year off with...
Normally, my resolutions are about losing weight. Every year. Lol. Well, not this year. I've really done some soul searching lately, and I've decided on two resolutions. And let me tell you, I'm going to keep these. I mean it.
1. I'm going to be okay with me. No, I'm not at the weight I want to be. Yes, I have insecurities. But, this year, I'm going to get over myself. I'm going to like me, for me.
2. I'm going to take at least one picture of myself, and post it on Facebook (or here), every month. And this is a two-fold resolution. I'm also going to take at least one picture of my kids every month. Count on it.
That being said, here's to 2014! Happy New Year!