I made it a week! Yahoo! And what a week it was. I had ups and downs, some major food challenges and a serious learning curve going on... but I LOST 10 LBS! TEN! What?
I've said for years, "I can't lose weight". "My metabolism is zero". "I think my thyroid isn't working right". Guess what I discovered this week? Those are excuses, not reasons. Now, I'm positive that those are real reasons for some people, but this week proved that I am not one of those people. It proved that all along, my heart wasn't in it.
I'm not sure how it happened, but one day, it just clicked in my head... and in my heart. Poof! I was going to change my life. Yes, there is a little doubt still that I may not stick it out. That little devil always rears his ugly head. I realize that I'm not going to lose 10 lbs every week, and likely there will be weeks that I don't lose, and even gain. But, seriously y'all. I really think I'm going to do it. OMG. I'M REALLY DOING THIS!
I spent all day today cooking for the week ahead. My new normal is grocery shop on Saturday and cook on Sunday. Since I work two jobs, plus tutor in the evenings, there isn't room for much variation in my week. I get it, but man, that makes my social life sound really lame. Haha! You want to see me? Come over on Sunday and cook with me.
Tomorrow begins week 2... I'm totally up for the challenge!
FOOD - DAY 7 OF 365
Breakfast: 3 waffles made from Kodiak cakes (1/4 cup mix, plus 1 egg, plus a little water to make it the right consistency = 2.5 points). Add 1/4 cup sugar-free syrup for 1 point and it's 3.5 points total. It was... decent. The waffles tasted great. The syrup is not my favorite. I made more of the mix up into pancakes (1 point each) for the coming week. I'm thinking maybe with just peanut butter or something. I want to love them. We'll see.
Lunch: 2 cups of canned Red Beans with some Fat Free cheddar cheese melted on top. Sooo good and was 0 points. How can you knock zero??
Dinner: 1 salmon patty (salmon, egg, crackers = 3 points), scalloped potatoes (a Weight Watchers recipe I found on Pinterest... oh, so delish. They seriously tasted like fried potatoes but 1/2 cup was only 3 points!), cottage cheese cup (3 points), green lima beans (0 points), and corn (0 points). I was starving after cooking all day and smelling all the good things I cooked.
Snack: 1 Blueberry Muffin (a recipe I got off Pinterest and tweaked the ingredients for 2.5 points), 1 tsp butter (1 point). This could be so delicious if you used sugar. Lol. I used Splenda. It's okay. Not the greatest, but the farther into the muffin I got, the better I liked it.
I feel like I'm going to weigh heavy in the morning... for some reason salmon always makes me retain water. Odd since it's a fish. Haha! Oh well. If I do, it's all good and I won't be discouraged!
21 meals down, 1074 to go. #iwilldothis #neverbackdown #getyourheartinthegame
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