Courtesy of Wedding Window

Friday, November 29, 2013

30 Days of Thankful - Black Friday

Day 29: Today, I am thankful that Black Friday is over... and was a success! 

We had a good day yesterday... although my Dad\"s presence was really missed. Thanksgiving will never be the same, but life goes on, and new traditions can be made. 

I know there are many people that were opposed to the stores starting Black Friday on Thanksgiving. But, as one that did not have much going on yesterday, I have to admit... I loved it!

After everyone was gone, Mom and I were just sitting there, looking at the ads.  We decided to run to Walmart and just see how crazy it was.  Well, it was CRAZY. But we had a blast!  In fact, we enjoyed it so much, that we went home for a couple of hours, and then went back for round 2. 

This morning, we slept in until 9:00 (first time ever on Black Friday), got up and hit the mall... and many, many stores later, we are pretty much finished with Christmas shopping. 

WOW! I am exhausted. And my feet hurt. And I am broke. But, hopefully, I walked off all the noodles and pie I ate yesterday!

Now, I\"m going to sit back and enjoy the holidays!

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