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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

30 Days of Thankful - My ‘other’ Brother and Sister


When you look up the term "in law", here is what you get:




a relative by marriage

Although that term is "correct", my  Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law are so much more to me than just "a relative by marriage".

First, my Brother in law, Bill. I could say so many things about him. He is one of the finest examples of a christian man that I have ever known. We have had a long-standing OU/OSU feud, and he is so good-natured. We always have a good time teasing each other. But that is such a small part of him... such a minor part. He is just GOOD. Simply, good. He is wise beyond his years, soft spoken, kind, caring and compassionate. I know I could go to him for absolutely anything and he would be there for me, as he has been many, many times. I am very thankful for him!

Bill Retherford

And, my Sister in law, Debbie. She came into my life as I was a little older. Debbie is a hoot. She is a "tell it like it is" kind of girl. You always know where you stand with her, and I appreciate that so much about her. We have had many, many good times together. We have also shared some heartache and hard times when Dad was so sick and then passed away. Through it all, Debbie was a rock. She jumped in and helped take care of Dad, not because she had to, or felt an obligation, but because she loved him, just like we did.

Greg and Debbie Morris

I\"m luckier than a lot of people. I have these two amazing people as my "other brother and sister". They are blessings from God.

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