Courtesy of Wedding Window

Monday, May 19, 2014

Alphabet Walk - Z

Zippa dee doo da! Zippa dee day! My, oh my, what a wonderful day! Plenty of sunshine, headed my way! Zippa dee doo da! Zippa dee day!

Well, Z day was a success! I am at the end of the alphabet. I actually still have 2 days to go to get to the magical 30, but I know I can do it. Thanks to some awesome friends, I have not missed even one day during the last 28, and Lord willing, I will make it 2 more. And then I will be up for a new challenge.

I haven't noticed much weight loss, but I have lost inches for sure. And regardless, I know I'm healthier, and my Dad would be so proud of me for that.

Z was a super hard letter. I actually took 3 Z pictures, but one didn't look very "appropriate", so I'm only posting two. But, after that, there is a surprise!

There are ZigZags all over this water.

 Zip Tie! Woo Hoo! This was definitely a surprise find.

The other picture was a zipper, but well, it just didn't turn out as I had hoped.

So, that being said... make way for...

Ziva and her babies: Zoey, Zach, Zion, Ziggy and Zellie!  (Zoey is hiding behind her mama)

Such cuties! 

These little sweeties totally made my day!  

Happy Z Day... the end of the alphabet challenge. A special thanks to everyone that has stuck with me through this and has encouraged me the whole way. I appreciate you guys!

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